Celebrities who mourned their loved ones this year

Losing a parent or a loved one is never easy. This year has already started on a sad note for some celebrities. Barely a month into the new year has passed and some people are already shedding tears as a result of the death of a close person. Here are some celebrities who lost a loved one in 2021.
1 Stunner
Hip hop artist Stunner is still trying to process the death of his mother. The rapper’s mum died recently. Social media users were full of words of sympathy to the rapper. Indeed losing a mother is never easy especially given the bond that Stunner shared with his late mum.
2 Mahendere brothers
The musical family rose to fame years ago with their exciting and uplifting gospel songs. Led by their father, the Mahendere brothers were the envy of many as they represented family unity. Their father has since passed on . Mr Mahendere was able to bring his kids together and produce great hits that rocked the charts back in the days. Although they later went solo with the likes of Michael soaring to greater heights, they still remain one of the best musical families of all time. Mr Mahendere had become of age and passed away recently.
3 King 98
The rapper lost his father Mr Thompson Dondo this week. He succumbed to covid 19. Mr Dondo was the founder of Impala car rentals. A great supporter of local musicians, Mr Dondo sponsored various artists including his own son. He was a well celebrated figure in the arts industry. He was diagnosed with covid 19 and later died. King 98 really had a special connection with his father.
4 Passion Java
The controversial man of cloth lost his mother recently. The two were very close and shared some special moments. Social media users lamented the loss of someone whom they say had birthed their favorite icon.