Solution to bread scarcity
The worsening economic crisis in Zimbabwe has necessitated an increase in the price of bread. Bread, which is a basic commodity in most households is now being sold at an average cost of $2 in most supermarkets and $3 on the black market.
This amount is not feasible for most people who have had to resort to other cheaper alternatives. These include samp (manhuchu), roundnuts (nyimo), homemade bread (chimodho), sweet potato and boiled corn.
Most households have been struggling to access bread in recent weeks due to its scarcity. with one having to endure long ques to get a single loaf of bread in supermarkets. When bread was now available, its price had increased thereby dealing a blow to most people. At present bakeries such as lobels have scaled down on production owing to the scarcity of flour.
However it might be an issue of making lemonade when life gives you lemons as most people have already made peace with the situation with some actually saying that traditional foods such as roundnuts have better nutritional value as compared to bread. Others have embraced the transition from bread to alternative starches with several households opting for a return to their roots by consuming foods that their forefathers ate.