Most popular baby names for 2020

Parents have been getting creative in naming their babies. 2020 has seen new, interesting baby names being made up for both the boy and the girl child. Here is our list of the most trending baby names this year and their meanings.
Literally translated to mean “belongs to the Lord” this name has been very common thereby making it to the top.of our list. Most people have been naming their boys Washe.
2 Anashe
This name applies to both girls and boys. It means the child is with God. It’s simplicity has made it a favorite for most people.
3 Ngaakudzwe
Yet another name with biblical relevance. This name is all about praise and exhorts people to praise their maker. Although it might be in the long side, it still remains the people’s best choice for 2020
4 Namatai
The name implies that people should pray. People have really become creative when coming up with names for their kids. Both boys and girls can be named Namatai
5 Nokubonga
The name is also about extending gratitude. This name has always been there but somehow found its popularity this year. It is a feminine name.
Whichever name you choose for your baby, the meaning has to be attributed to something. Gone are the days when parents decided to settle scores by giving their kids names such as Nhamo, Shorai and Shungu. Most people are also starting to embrace names in local languages as opposed to past experiences where English names were given first preference