Mudiwa and Ginimbi’s perfect lunch date

The life of the rich famous can be hard to understand. Mudiwa recently shared pictures of his lunch date with flamboyant businessman Ginimbi at the millionaire’s Domboshava mansion. The two shared a special meal of sadza and bones which Mudiwa bragged about on social media.
Most people have always wondered about the relationship between the two. Mudiwa and Ginimbi regard themselves as brothers and are often seen together. What is however baffling is that Mudiwa is also very good friends with Passion Java, a sworn enemy of Ginimbi.
Queried about his supposed double standards, Mudiwa said when he meets up with either Ginimbi or Passion, it is purely to discuss business. His recent lunch date with Ginimbi clearly shows that the rapper has a way of charming the rich in his corner.
Most people were shocked to learn that even wealthy people like Ginimbi enjoy an occasional sadza and bones meal. One would guess the business man survives on expensive, exotic meals only. Mudiwa was also pictured marvelling at the brand new Ferrari that Ginimbi recently bought. His followers said the car looked quite befitting for the rapper and could easily pass off as his own