Mudiwa commended for his good heart

Mudiwa has been commended for his heart of gold. The rapper usually lends a helping hand to those in need and has always shown humility. Mudiwa opened up about how being in lockdown for a week had him reflecting on those kids living in the streets. He said he had managed to organise some food and hand sanitizers for some of them as the covid 19 continues to ravage parts of the world
Mudiwa said during this lockdown period, those living in the streets are the most hard hit. He encouraged people to assist Suh people whenever possible. The hip hop singer said because the number of shoppers has significantly decreased over the week, street kids no longer have anywhere to get left overs and scraps making them vulnerable.
Mudiwa also made headlines early this year when he helped out a teacher who had been caught stealing mealie cobs. He paid for the mealies, showered the teacher with gifts and offered to pay school fees and for groceries for the teacher’s kids. Such good deeds have earned him a good reputation.
Mudiwa is always on the forefront in terms of advocating that people ought help one another. He also regularly showers his wife and son with gifts. He is indeed such a sweet soul