Passion Java reflects on the days he was broke

Prophet Passion Java recently took his followers down memory lane to a time when he was broke. The man of cloth shared an image which he claims was taken in 2001. He looked different, worn out and unsophisticated. A total opposite of the Passion Java that people know today. The prophet remarked, “In 2001 I preached that I’m not poor”, and the whole church laughed at me..I said,” I am a millionaire, I am going to drive a Lamborghini, own a jet and be a worldwide prophet, those who laughed at me believe me now”.
The prophet is regarded as one of the richest people in the country. His assets include a Lamborghini, a private jet, a mansion and several state of the art cars as well as customised phones that cost an arm and a leg. He is known for his lavish spending and expensive taste.
The man of God is also famous for splashing cash on music projects such as the “Gara mumba iwe’ show that is rumoured to have cost him thousands of US dollars. At one point he bought top of the range cars for pastors at his church. His extravagant spending has left many people questioning the source of his wealth.
Most people would not have believed him on 2001 for sure judging from the image. As it turns out, a miracle did happen in his life. The self confessed Gafa is now wining and dining with the finest. His strange word selection has also made him a controversial person