Photo of abandoned kids sets tongues wagging

A heartbreaking scene recently had people emotional. Two young kids were spotted outside a shack in Harare without any guardian in sight. The kids are reported to have been left by their mother in the shack after she promised to go and forage for something so that the family could survive. The young kids looked hungry and pathetic as they cuddled at the door to their worn out shack.
The image has been doing the rounds on social media sparking outrage. Some have been putting the blame on the mother for abandoning her kids without anyone looking out for them. They said dangers such as kidnapping and rape could befall the children in the absence of an older person looking out for them. They also bemoaned accidents such as kids starting a fire or consuming harmful substances without a watchful eye around.
Others felt pity for the family which is obviously struggling and claimed that the mother had no choice than to leave the young duo on its own. They said it could not have been easy for a woman to go out looking for means to survive with two kids by her side.
The general opinion however was that young kids ought to be protected at all times. The current economic crisis has made young kids vulnerable to all forms of abuse and neglect.There have been several reports of kids being abused or kidnapped by ruthless people.