Preparing your child for a sibling

Your child might feel as if he is the only person that deserves your love and attention. When you get pregnant again, you might need to prepare your kid for what is to come.
Ensure that you explain to your kid about the new addition to to the family if they are old enough to understand. Let them in on your pregnancy gently. You can attend pre natal classes together and get your scan done in their presence.
Kids may also want some sort of guarantee that your love and affection for them will not change once the baby arrives. They need to feel this security even before the baby arrives
You will probably be tired once you deliver, so spend some quality time together with your kid. Make it a priority to give them as much time as possible at this juncture.
Do not fall into the trap of sending the older kid to your relatives. The kids need to bond and get to know each other. You will be surprised by the natural bond that can grow between the two
All kids need to see love in action. Make sure what you feel inside for them translates on the outside.