This is how covid 19 has changed the structure of weddings

Love is certainly not on lockdown. In spite of the raging covid 19 pandemic that has put a hold on most things, including weddings, some people are still going ahead with their plans to walk down the aisle.
Big weddings have now become a thing of the past. Nowadays people simply gather a few close relatives and friends to celebrate their big day. According to a recent directive issued by government all public gatherings must not exceed 50 people. This has ultimately reduced the burden on those planning to wed because expenses have reduced. Catering for a minimum number is definitely better than the traditional big weddings that people were accustomed to. This has also reduced the pressure to look for bigger and more expensive venues. Some people are even having their wedding celebrations at home during this lockdown period.
Another change that has been brought about by the lockdown is the issue of attire. Wedding dresses are now accompanied by a mask and at times disposable gloves. Both the wedding couple and their respective bridal team have to put on face masks to avoid the spread of the virus. Some are going the extra mile in getting personalised masks made for them to match their wedding attire. Such has become the norm. One couple took the precaution to another level recently when they kissed while wearing masks.
Those having their weddings during this lockdown period are also discouraging their guests from singing or acting in a way that brings them closer together physically. Gone are the days when people would hug the bridal couple, exchange kisses and at times invite them to the dance floor. Things have become more relaxed. People are now very cautious and adhering to safety conditions in order to avoid spreading the virus.