Top 10 simple ways to feel fantastic

1 Have breakfast
Your body needs to refuel so eat something in the morning. Your best options are lasting energy foods like egg on toast or porridge with milk and a banana.
2 Cut out toxic influences
Nothing will drag you down more than moaners, whether it’s whinging colleagues or the friend in a crisis. Screen calls and invent a few excuses so you can make a swift exit.
3 Plan something nice
Make some plans for fun things that you and your family can do on the weekend. Having something to look forward will keep you going.
4 Get moving
Physical activity increases your stamina so you can fit more into your day. It also boosts feel good brain chemicals making you feel lively
5 Get up from you desk
Being stuck in one position will make you feel sluggish. Gt the blood flowing by getting up from your desk every hour or so. Walk around to see a work mate rather than calling of emailing.
6 Get some fresh air
A dose of fresh air and midday sun will make you feel more awake and probably boost your mood, so get outside at lunchtime
7 Indulge yourself
A little of what you fancy does you good. There is no harm in having a couple of drinks after work with friends or colleagues.
Enjoy some me time
Relax and recharge your batteries doing whatever floats your boat. This could include watching a soccer match, a good movie or doing something creative.
9 Try something new
There is nothing more energy zapong than staying stuck in the same old boring rut. Trying out something new or learning a new skill stimulates your brain and body making you feel more alert.
10 Chill
Get one day to just lay low and chill.