Zim socialite loses his sanity on the streets of Melbourne Australia

Australian based Zim socialite Mukoma Masimba is now living in the streets of Melbourne. He is allegedly having some mental challenges after a suspected case of being bewitched. He has said that he was not bewitched but his condition is controlled by a spirit.Many well wishers are now concerned and worried about his welfare.
Some are saying that he has lost his sanity while others claimed that he was bewitched by controversial sangoma Sekuru Banda, after he challenged his powers.Mukoma Masimba said he’s just going through depression and drug addiction.
He is well known on social media for “Go Deeper” and “Izalo NaMukoma Masimba” and being involved in many projects on his Facebook Pages.Contacted for comment by local publication Hmetro, Sekuru Banda could neither confirm nor deny the ongoing issue.
However Mukoma Masimba, denied that it’s Banda who has made his life miserable.“This is the spirit of Go Deeper which has put me on the streets.“I have mixed with many people on social media and I have produced many shows where I share my opinions on my Facebook pages.“I got possessed whenever I will be sharing my opinions, it’s a spirit, ndinosvikirwa nemudzimu.”He said sekuru Banda didn’t do anything to him but he’s suffering from depression“I challenged Banda because he had said he has powers and I challenged him.“I deny that, he should not take advantage of my situation, I still challenge him and other witch-killers, muZimbabwe hamuna varoyi, ndini ndikudaro,” he said.
Most people have urged Masimba to get help before he completely loses it. Speculation is also high that the current covid pandemic together with the hardships it has brought have made life unbearable for Masimba to the point of losing his marbles.