5 telling signs you have breast cancer besides the lump#Pinktober

Most women are not aware that there are other signs to show the presence of breast cancer in their bodies. Here are some other telling signs that you might have breast cancer.
Changes to the skin’s texture
Skin changes may be an early sign of breast cancer.Breast cancer can cause changes and inflammation in skin cells that can lead to texture changes. Examples of these texture changes include:scaly skin around the nipple and areola, as though the skin is sunburned or extremely dry
skin thickening in any part of the breastThese changes may also cause itching, which people often associate with breast cancer, although it is not common.These skin changes may be symptomatic of a rare breast cancer type called Paget’s disease.Texture changes can also occur as a result of benign skin conditions, including dermatitis and eczema.
Nipple discharge.
A person may observe discharge from the nipple, which can be thin or thick and can range in color from clear to milky to yellow, green, or red.It is normal for people who are breastfeeding to have a milky discharge from the nipples, but it is advisable to see a doctor about any other nipple discharge.Although most nipple discharge is noncancerous, it can signify breast cancer in some people.
Lymph node changes.
Cancer cells may travel to the underarm lymph nodes.Lymph nodes are small, rounded collections of immune system tissue that filter fluid and capture potentially harmful cells. These include bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells.If a cancer cell leaves the breast, the first place it travels to is the underarm lymph node region on the same side as the affected breast. This can lead to swelling in this area.In addition to swollen lymph nodes in the armpit, a person may notice them around the collarbone. They usually feel like small, firm, swollen lumps and may be tender to the touch.Breast or nipple pain. Breast cancer can cause changes in skin cells that lead to feelings of pain, tenderness, and discomfort in the breast. Although breast cancer is often painless, it is important not to ignore any signs or symptoms that could be due to breast cancer.Some people may describe the pain as a burning sensation.
Nipple retraction or inversion
Breast cancer can cause cell changes behind the nipple. These changes can result in the nipple inverting and reversing inward into the breast, or it may look different in terms of its size.The appearance of the nipples can often alter during ovulation or other parts of the menstrual cycle, but people should see a doctor about any new nipple changes.
Breast cancer can cause changes to the skin that may make it appear discolored or even bruised. The skin may be red or purple or have a bluish tint.SwellingBreast cancer can cause the entire breast or an area of the breast to swell. There may not be a distinct lump after this swelling, but the breast may be different in size than the other breast.