Get the Look: Goddess Faux locs

From Ammara Brown to Lochnation and Ruvheneko get the trending goddess faux locs for that beautiful, natural look.

We are hooking you up with the simple steps on how to achieve the look DIY. If you decide to get it done professionally at the salon then find out which hair extensions to use. Goddess faux locs are currently trending and can be styled anyway. You can be bold and shave the sides of your head or achieve a full head of hair.
Th main aim of goddess faux locs is to look as natural as possible. You will need to have some curly hair left at the bottom with a variation of strands.
What you need?
5 Packs of Faux locs extensions, or, Marley braiding hair
2 Packs of curly braiding hair-either Freetress or Expression
- Combine the hair
- Section your hair and braid your natural hair
- Take two strands and twist braid around your hair
- Wrap the twisted strand with one strand of Marley or Expression hair
- Seal the ends by either burning or dipping into hot water. The hot water will give the Expression braid that curly look at the ends.
It takes about 3 to 6 hours to achieve the goddess faux locs look. For maintenance and cleanliness, apply Apple cider vinegar on a damp t-shirt to clean scalp.
You can style the hair anyway you want as goddess faux locs are flexible.