Another gold smuggler busted

A Zanu PF councillor was recently busted for smuggling gold illegally. He was found in possession of bricks of gold and USD notes and the images have been leaked. As the nation focuses on how the court will deal with Zim Miners Federation president Henrieta Rushwaya.Rushwaya (53), a former Zimbabwe Football Association chief executive officer, did not have supporting documents for the export of the gold, leading to her arrest. She appeared in court on charges of attempting to smuggle and illegal possession of precious minerals to apply for bail which was denied.
Transnational car dealers, Ali Japan 786, have been fingered in a suspected gold smuggling racket exposed yesterday following the arrest of Zimbabwe Miners Federation president Henrieta Rushwaya at Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport where she was found with 6kg of the precious mineral destined for Dubai.
It seems the gold smuggling trade’s time for exposition has come. Another Zanu PF linked councillor has been busted for smuggling gold as well. Pictures of him and his gold have been leaked.His name is Pedzisayi Scott Sakupwanya and he is the councillor for Mabvuku Tafara constituency.
Gold smuggling ses to be a common trend nowadays and the arrest of Rushwaya has been all over the news. Most people are expectantly waiting to see the outcome of Rushwaya’s case. On her last court appearance a prison van actually went inside the rotten row magistrates court holding cells to get Rushwaya, away from the prying eyes of the media.