

“Nothing in the world, can take the place of PERSISTENCE and DETERMINATION:

Strive persistence

Talent will not; nothing is more common, than unsuccessful people with talent.
Genius will not; un rewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. PERSISTENCE and DETERMINATION alone, are almost omnipotent. Now I’m not saying you should not get an education, but you can have an education, and be weak inside, and never experience the opportunity that education could have provided for you, because you just didn’t have the persistence and determination to make it happen.”
—–Attributed to Calvin Coolidge 30th President of the USA.

The Apostle Peter (in 2 Peter 1:5), gives a list of qualities, that you have to “ADD” to your faith, if you are going to be a success. Some of these qualities, could be captured as “persistence and determination”.

You have to be PERSISTENT:

It does not matter how many times, you are turned down. If you are trying to get a qualification or pass an exam, don’t quit just because you failed; try again, and again, and again! If you are trying to get a job, don’t quit because you got a rejection. If you are trying to build your career, don’t quit because some guy at work shouted at you!
If you are trying to build a business, don’t quit simply because the business climate is bad, in your community. Or, because someone let you down. Or, because your government did not do something for you.
Maybe you lost your job, and you have been looking, and looking and looking. Don’t give up!
You might have even gone bankrupt….. Start again. Don’t quit!
You have to be DETERMINED:
A good boxer knows, that being knocked down does not mean you are out… get up, and carry on fighting, with even greater determination.


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