Sport & Entertainment

8 Things You Say Without Realizing It’s Offensive

Sometimes people use really offensive phrases thinking they are being nice whilst on the receiving end it’s offensive. If you didn’t know, the following phrases are not nice or anything close it it, they are are offensive. It’s better to avoid them altogether. Here they are.

Young woman with horrified expression, posing in studio, portrait
Young woman with horrified expression, posing in studio, portrait

1. You’re pretty for a dark girl

Dark girls are mostly victims to this one. The next time you see a pretty “dark” girl and you feel like you need to compliment her, just tell her she’s pretty and end there. Saying someone is pretty for a black girl is not a compliment people.

2. I’m not a racist but…

If someone says something about your race with you as the exception or if they feel inclined to start their statement with this statement chances are they are racist.

3. When are you due?

If you are not sure someone is pregnant, please stop assuming they are. They might just had a big lunch, don’t ask people when they are not due if you don’t have all the facts.

4. As long as you’re healthy

If you’re talking to someone with a big body and they are talking about losing weight, don’t try console them but saying, “at least you’re healthy”. It’s offensive, rather keep quiet.

5. Don’t be so sensitive

Don’t brush off people’s feelings by using the guilt card. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything to you but to them it is an issue. Understand that people are different and they should be treated accordingly.

6. That’s so ghetto!

Most people use the word ghetto to describe cheap, lame or no class but the actual meaning for the word is poor and under privileged. Don’t try to look or seem fancy whilst bringing other people down.

7. No offense

Ignorantly apologizing for an offensive thing you said by remarking it “no offense”? Guess what, offense taken. Be sensitive to people’s feelings.

8. Man Up

It doesn’t mean that because you’re a man you should be emotional, the definition of a man is not being strong.

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