5 Reasons Why Shona Girls Make The Best Wives

Guys are most of the time afraid of dating a Girl from the Matebeleland or Manicaland region or basically a Shona girl. The reasons why may defer but some also really enjoy dating them and some of the reasons they gave really made me love our Shona ladies the more and more.
Here are some of the reasons why Shona girls make the best wives below
Shona girls normally have this chocolate complexion,which makes them look very attractive. Am sure you can imagine her in her black silky nightgown at night and you will think to yourself that you the most luckiest person on planet earth.
Some also have a nice habit of keeping their selves very clean and they basically hate to bleach.
Apart from being neat,they also tend to be very faithful and honest.Which am sure are some of the basic qualities every man needs in a woman to wife her.
Shona parents are mostly disciplinarians and give least or no chance for their daughter to misbehave or even sons,they always make to instill basic and fundamental life principles into their kids and that always makes them serious in life.
Am sure if you had the chance to ever taste a meal cooked with a Shona girl, you will be very appreciative of the fact that they are really truly good cooks.
Anyone who has gotten the opportunity of dating a Shona girl can attest to the undisputed fact that,when it comes to body,don’t go there,they are the power house of shapes when it comes to women in Zimbabwe.