Higherlife Foundation Joshua Nkomo Scholarships 2017

Higherlife Foundation is offering Joshua Nkomo Scholarships for students referred to as “Joshualites”. The scholarships are available to Zimbabwean citizens under the age of 21 at the time of applying. A-level scholarships are for candidates starting Lower 6th and University scholarships are for candidates entering 1st-year undergraduate studies. 70% of the scholarships will be for Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) studies, whilst 30% is reserved for other disciplines.

Who Qualifies for The Scholarship?
- Academic Merit as determined by applicant performance in public examinations (mainly ZIMSEC and Cambridge)
- For A-Level applications, a minimum of SEVEN (7) “A” grade passes is required
- For University applications, a minimum of TEN (10) points for females and TWELVE (12) points for males is required
- Where there are ties, an extra criterion is applied as follows:
- Leadership Potential as demonstrated by levels of responsibility and office bearing in the School and surrounding
- Communities, as well as confirmed indications of Community Engagements and extra-curricular activity
Personal Integrity as deduced from School Reports and reports from other responsible authorities
Documentation Required
- Academic certificates/public exam results
- Birth Certificate
- National ID
- Character Reference Form (Download Here)
- Character Reference Form to be hand delivered to any Higherlife Foundation office
NB: Scholarships are for Zimbabwean public institutions only
For further information on how to apply please click the link here.