
Top 5 Health Goals For 2018

Your health goals should always move in a positive direction. With each year one’s goals may change or be maintained. Good health is more than weight loss. It is the overall wellness of your body, mind and even spirit. Are you looking to having a healthier new year? Check out the top 5 health goals for 2018.

1. Unplug your life

Take some time off gadgets such as your cellphone, TV, computer. Meditate or read a book that helps you unwind.

2. Eat well

Eating well also means ditching fad diets or dumping awful foods that you don’t enjoy.

3. Walk more

To challenge yourself, try completing a marathon. Make walking a lifestyle and encompass it in your daily routine.

4. Prevent disease and injury

While nobody ever plans to be sick or have an accident, there are ways to minimise the risks.

5. Love yourself more

A healthy mind is created by a positive attitude. Be happy and cut yourself some slack.

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