
Top 5 Ways To Melt Her Heart

Part of being a good boyfriend involves going out of your way every once in a while to make life special for your girl. We’re not talking about standard relationship expectations here, but rather those acts which go above and beyond the bare minimum so, sorry, but ”picking up after yourself”, ”listening to her” or ”staying faithful” won’t make the cut, even though they will surely be appreciated in their own right


1) Create Something For Her

Whether it’s writing a song, painting a picture, or  to use a real-life example cross-stitching a T-Rex for your dinosaur-mad girlfriend combined with her favorite quote from Jurassic Park (”clever girl!”), creating something for your girlfriend demonstrates thought, effort and sometimes a sense of humor. Remember, it’s for your partner, not for a gallery or concert hall, so don’t beat yourself up too much about your creative abilities.

2) Be Kind To Someone She Loves

Sometimes the most thoughtful thing you can do for your girlfriend is to help someone close to her, especially if they’re going through a hard time or struggling in some way. Whether it’s visiting her elderly relatives or bringing a casserole to her bereaved friend, helping out someone she cares about will show her how big your heart is which will surely warm hers.

3) Text Her Something Nice Out Of The Blue

Depending on how long you have been together, texting her randomly to say you love her is a sure fire way to brighten her day. If you aren’t quite in L-word territory yet, try simply telling her that you were thinking about her or send her a genuine, out of the blue compliment.

4) Cook Something Special For Her

If you live together, cooking is perhaps a mundane activity you do every second night or so. But few people can resist the charm of having a special meal cooked for them. Make an effort to prepare her favorite meal or a cuisine that featured in her childhood, or go all out and have a themed meal, including entrees and dessert. She’ll be touched by the extra effort.

5) Stick Up For Her Publicly

Demonstrate loyalty to your girlfriend by defending her against anyone attacking or criticizing her. If her mother is going on about her weight, for example, say ”I think she looks beautiful.” Or if her friends are laughing at her clumsiness, tell them it’s your favorite thing about her. You don’t need to be antagonistic or overbearing about it, especially if the mood is light; but letting your girlfriend know you’re on her side is a solid way to keep her on yours, too.

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