
Fulbright Research Grants for African Scholars 2019

The U.S Embassy is now accepting applications for the Fulbright Research Grants for African University faculty to either conduct postdoctoral research or undertake a planned program of reading and research during the 2019/2020 academic year at a U.S. academic or research institution.

Application and Selection

Awards are open without regard to academic discipline, faculty rank, gender and age. Preference will also be given to individuals who have not visited the United States for any appreciable period within the past five years. A good command of English and at least three years of university teaching experience is essential. Applicants must be Zimbabwean citizens living and working at Zimbabwean universities and or research institutions.

Applications will be accepted for either of the following:

Research Grants:

Awards of 3 to 9 months are offered for African university faculty or research institute professionals to conduct research in any academic discipline at a U.S. academic or research institution beginning no earlier than August 2019 and no later than March 2020. Applicants must hold a doctorate or equivalent terminal degree in their fields. Preference will be given to individuals who have at least three years of university teaching experience and a productive scholarly record.

Program and Curriculum Development Grants:

Awards of 3 to 5 months are offered for African university faculty or administrators to conduct research in any academic discipline at a U.S. academic or research institution beginning no earlier than August 2019 and no later than March 2020. Proposals should be linked to professional duties and demonstrate how the scholar will use the knowledge gained to develop new courses, curricula, or other academic programs at the home institution. These grants are designed for university faculty or administrators with less experience and who may not have had recent access to research or instructional developments in their disciplines. A doctorate degree is not required, but applicants must hold a minimum of a master’s or equivalent graduate degree.


The ARSP includes a special group of grants for scholars with proposals in HIV/AIDS-related research. Scholars in all academic disciplines are invited to formulate proposals with an HIV/AIDS focus. Candidates may apply either as research scholars or program and curriculum development scholars.

Grant Provisions

  • Round-trip economy international travel and excess-baggage allowance for the grantee.
  • Travel is provided for one dependent for awards of 9 months.
  • A monthly cost-of-living allowance, which is subject to U.S. income tax.
  • An allowance of $750 for books, research materials and travel to professional meetings.
  • An allowance of $500 for settling in.
  • Limited accident and sickness insurance for the grantee only.
  • An allowance to defray the cost of U.S. medical insurance for a maximum of two dependents

The application deadline is May 31, 2018.

Two pages summary of proposed research accompanied by a detailed C.V. must reach the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section no later than May 31, 2018. Applications should be sent to the Program Officer (Fulbright ARS) at [email protected].

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