
5 Dating Tips That Works For Everyone

Dating can be a full time job and exhausting, if you were about to lose hope in the dating world try these dating dating tips before you throw in the towel. Sometimes they don’t pay off but in most times these dating tips works for anyone, so here we go!

Couple in living room smiling

1. Consider dating your friends

You share the same values and interests with your friends, so escape the friend-zone and date one of your close friends, when it works it’s forever.

2. Allow your friends to set you up

Your friends know you better than anyone, allow them to set you up with a potential boyfriend who they feel is a perfect match for you. You can still tell them what you won’t accept or not willing to do.

3. Focus on first impressions

Remember a first date is not to plan your wedding or decide if you want to marry him or not. Be open and focus only on firstr impression and allow the relationship to progress.

4. Go to the movies by yourself

Always tagging along your other single friends might prove to be bad luck for your own dating life. Consider going to the movies or concerts, being unattached means you have less to compromise if something comes up.

5. Don’t be too cool to date

Most girls think playing hard to get is the way to go, not anymore. Most guys now find responsive women more attractive. We are not saying reveal it all on your first date but there’s no need to completely hold back either.

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