5 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Bad News And She Wont Make A Good Wife

We all want that one special relationship that sets the rest of them apart. You probably lust after this idea of a woman who is smart, beautiful, funny and okay a little kinky. You probably also want everyone in your life to love her just as much as you do especially the guys who will be around for ballgames, watching the game together and maybe traveling with their significant others.But the big problem big problem in your master plan and grand dream is when your girlfriend doesn’t get along with your friend group. Maybe even scarier when your friends are actively telling you that sorry bro this bae is bad news.
1. You Don’t Think You Could Do Any Better
The longer you stay with someone who doesn’t make you feel like the best version of yourself, you’re wasting time, not only finding the right girl for you, but building your own independent life. Bottom line if she makes you feel like a jackass most of the time, it’s time to hit the road.
2. She’s Always Negative And Never Happy
It’s healthy for every couple to have fights and disagreements as a way for you both to find common ground and learn to compromise. But if you’re nervous about coming home from a night out with the guys because she’ll attack you with questions, or no matter what date night you plan, she’s never satisfied, her attitude could be causing you major unhappiness.
3. She Tries To Change You
OK, so maybe your ex-girlfriend taught you how to dress better. But when it comes to the big fundamentals of who you are, what you believe, what you value and what you desire out of life, your partner shouldn’t try to transform what’s important to you. While she may help you see a different perspective, they say that if you’re constantly answering ”How high?” when she asks you to jump, it’s a big sign that she’s manipulating you big time.
4. She Puts A Wedge Between You And Those You Love
One of the big perks of having a solid relationship is getting to integrate this new person into all of things you love. It should be exciting and fun to have your girl come out with you or have dinner with your family not stressful.If a girlfriend is constantly trying to get you to prioritize her over everyone else or never wants to be around those you’re the closest to, that can be an early sign of emotional abuse.
5. You’re Unhappy
The biggest sign your girlfriend is bad news? You’re unhappy. And the longer you stay in a relationship that isn’t bringing joy, growth or love to your life, the more unhappy you’re going to become. Staying in that relationship can destroy a guy’s life in many ways. You could lose your friends, your confidence and most importantly, your sense of self-worth . Such a destructive relationship can certainly lead to depression and other emotional instability, which can affect future relationships.