New Media Writing Prize 2017

The New Media Writing Prize showcases exciting and inventive stories that integrate a variety of formats, platforms, and digital media.

The Competition is organised by Bournemouth University Higher Education Corporation (“BU”) through The Faculty of Media and Communication. This is the eighth year of the annual international celebration of New-Media storytelling.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Anyone can apply! Whether you’re a student, a professional, an artist, a writer, a developer, a designer or an enthusiast, the competition is open to all.
- It’s also an international competition, open to all outside the UK.
- Entries do need to be in English.
The winning work, dependent upon which award it is eligible for, will receive one or more of the following prizes:
a.Unicorn Student New Media Writing Prize: a paid work-placement of 3 months at Unicorn Training, Bournemouth, UK, or £500 in cash if the winner is unable to take up the internship.
b. if:Book UK New Media Writing Prize: £1000 donated by if:book UK, where the winner may also be a student, ie. satisfies point d. of clause 7.
c. The Gorkana Journalism Awards: £500 for the UK winner, £500 for the International winner.
d. The Dot Award: £500 and development support, offered by If:Book UK
Application Deadline: 15th December 2017
For more information click here.