Open Society Fellowship for Innovative Individuals 2018

The Open Society Fellowship supports individuals seeking innovative and unconventional approaches to fundamental open society challenges. The fellowship funds work that will enrich public understanding of those challenges and stimulate far reaching and probing conversations within the Open Society Foundations and in the world.
- Fellows will receive a stipend of $80,000 or $100,000, depending on work experience, seniority, and current income.
- The stipend does not necessarily equal the applicant’s current salary.In addition to the stipend, fellows will receive a project budget.
- That budget may include expenses such as travel (including airfare and hotel), visa costs, part-time research assistance, conference fees and health insurance.
- Ideal fellows are specialists who can see beyond the parochialisms of their field and possess the tenacity to complete a project of exceptional merit.
- Proposals will be accepted from anywhere in the world, although demonstrable proficiency in spoken and written English is required.
- Applicants should possess and demonstrate a deep understanding of the major themes embedded within the proposition above and be willing to work in a cohort of fellows with diverse occupational, geographic, and ideological profiles.
- Successful applicants should be eager to exploit the many resources offered by the Open Society Foundations and be prepared to engage constructively with our global network.
- The Open Society Fellowship chooses its fellows from a diverse pool of applicants that includes journalists, activists, academics, and practitioners in a variety of fields.
DEADLINE: July 15 2018
To apply and for more information visit here