Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth: Master’s Degree and Internship Program of the African Business Education Initiative for Youth (ABE Initiative)

Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth: Master’s Degree and Internship Program of the African Business Education Initiative for Youth (ABE Initiative)
Africa’s economy has been steadily increasing since 2000, due to factors such as its abundant natural resources and expansion of trade and investments. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that growth rates in Africa will remain as high as 5.4% up to 2016.
Target Participants
Target participants are from among the following three types of personnel.
- Persons from the Private Sector
Young individuals who are or will be involved in economic activities in the local private sector maintaining and developing strong ties with Japanese companies. - Governmental Officials
Young officials, such as civil servants, who take part in governance and policy-making in order to enhance industries to whose development Japanese companies can contribute, and has a recommendation by a Japanese company. - Educators
Young individuals who are responsible for educating in Higher Education and TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) institutions in Africa, in order to enhance capacity building in related industries, and has a recommendation by a Japanese company.
Eligible applicants
- Citizens of one of the 54 African countries
- Between 22 and 39 years old (as of April 1st in the year of you arrival in Japan)
- A bachelor’s degree
- Applicants from government sectors/ educators who have both of the following:
-At least 6 months working experience at their current organization -Permission from their current organization to apply
- Have adequate English proficiency, both in written and oral communication (IELTS score of over 5.5 is preferred)
- Clearly understand the objective of this program and have a strong will to contribute to the industrial development of their country while broadening and strengthening the linkage between their country and Japan
- Not currently applying or planning to apply to scholarship programs offered by other organizations
- Have good health condition, both physically and mentally, to complete the program
Number of Participants/ Durations
Participants will be selected and dispatched to Japan in 4 batches and the number of participants for each batch is planned as follows.
- 1st batch (arrival in Japan in 2014): 150 participants from 9 countries (Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania)
- 2nd batch (arrival in Japan in 2015): 350 participants from 54 African countries
- 3rd batch (arrival in Japan in 2016): 300 participants from 54 African countries
- 4th batch (arrival in Japan in 2017): 100 participants from 54 African countries
It is expected that the duration of stay in Japan will be a maximum of 3 years. (6 months as a research student, 2 years as a student for master course and 6 months as an intern)
6. Application Documents for the 4th Batch
- General Information (4th Batch) (PDF/1.61MB)
- Annex 1. Guidelines for Application Form (4th Batch) (Word/144KB)
- Annex 2. Application Form (4th Batch) (Word/90.5KB)
- Annex 3. Recommendation Letter_Japanese (4th Batch) (Word/61.0KB)
- Annex 3. Recommendation Letter_English (4th Batch) (Word/39.0KB)
- Annex 4. List of Japanese Graduate Schools (Excel/74.2KB)
- Annex 5. Check List (Application documents to be submitted) (Word/27.4KB)
- Annex 6. Contact List (Word/76.5KB)
- Annex 7. List of Categories, Areas, Disciplines and Research Fields (PDF/98.7KB)