Sir James Knott Fellowship in Newcastle University 2018

Building upon its success in connecting Newcastle University’s research with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Institute for Sustainability is increasing its focus on enabling researchers from across all three faculties of Newcastle University to generate impactful interdisciplinary research, and to engage closely with stakeholders at the UN High Level Political Forum and other relevant UN bodies, and others to influence policy and practice to deliver the Goals.
- 100% scholarship
- Band 2 tuition fees* at the overseas/international rate and an annual stipend at Research Council UK rate (£14,764 2018/19) tenable for 3 years with an additional £4,000 for travel and consumables over the duration of the award.
- 100% scholarship
- Band 2 tuition fees* at the overseas/international rate and an annual stipend at Research Council UK rate (£14,764 2018/19) tenable for 3 years with an additional £4,000 for travel and consumables over the duration of the award.
DEADLINE: January 29, 2018
To apply and for more information visit here