Standard Bank Derek Cooper Africa Scholarships 2017/2018

The Standard Bank Derek Cooper Africa Scholarships 2017/2018 for young Africans to study in the UK.

The Standard Bank Africa, Derek Cooper Scholarship marks the culmination of over thirty years of direction, vision and action attributed to Derek Cooper, a true South African business leader and former Chairman of the Standard Bank Group.
It is becoming clearer that Africa has a critical role to play in shaping the 21st Century. The continent is increasingly interacting with the rest of the world on its own terms. Through this commitment, Standard Bank aims to champion those African leaders who will actively build a future for Africa, led by Africans.
These leaders will be asked to exercise global influence through visionary leadership. Nine students will be carefully selected to complete their post-graduate studies at the prestigious institutions of Cambridge, Oxford and The London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom.
- The Standard Bank Africa, Derek Cooper Scholarship is available to graduate students who are and will ordinarily remain resident in one of Standard Bank’s African presence countries.
- Prospective candidates must demonstrate an exceptional academic track record and will need to have successfully qualified on their own merit in their application for a one-year
- Master’s programme at either of the following partner university institutions: Oxford, Cambridge and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
The Scholarships will provide the tuition and college fee in full, and a maintenance grant (i.e. living costs incurred in the college such as rental of college accommodation, food taken in college, etc.) commensurate to the national minimum doctoral stipend of the UK Research Councils, and a travel and settling-in allowance
Application Deadline: 5pm UK time on 26 April 2017
Apply now by clicking here