Summer Research Fellowship 2017 in Zurich

The Computer Science Department at ETH offers a new, exciting program that allows undergraduate and graduate students to obtain research experience in our department during the summer months.
Applications for the programme are open to students across the globe. The program is committed to increasing diversity in the computer science area.
- Research experience
- Networking and socializing
- Accommodation
- Financial support
- Switzerland- Fellows have the opportunity to explore the vibrant culture of Zurich in the summer as well as the beautiful mountainous landscape of Switzerland in their free time.
- You are enrolled in a study program (Bachelor or Master) in computer science or closely related field (e.g., electrical engineering, mathematics, physics).
- Your expected graduation date in your current study program (Bachelor or Master) is January 2019 or later.
- You have 2 years of study completed by summer 2018 (Master students naturally satisfy this condition).
- The duration of the fellowship is fixed to the full two months of July and August. You can be present during the entire time.
DEADLINE: December 31, 2017
To apply and for more information visit here