TUBITAK Research Fellowship Programme 2018

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜB?TAK) grants fellowships for international highly qualified Ph.D. students and young post-doctoral researchers to pursue their research in Turkey in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities.
- A monthly stipend of 2,500 Turkish Liras
- Travel costs (round trip to 2,250 TL) and Health insurance premiums (up to 70 TL per month)
- In case of approval of TUBITAK Department of Science Fellowships and Grant Programs (BIDEB) Group Executive Committee, travel costs and health insurance for the may be partially covered.
- Applicants should be non-Turkish citizens. Applicants who hold dual citizenship with Turkey are not eligible to apply.
- Ph.D. students who certify they are successful in the Ph.D. thesis examination within the deadline of the application process and young post-doctoral researchers to pursue their research in Turkey in the fields of
- Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities.
- Applicants should have an invitation from the universities or research institutes in Turkey.
- Applicants should certify that they have sufficient command of language to perform their research.
- Applicants must be 35 years old or younger.
- Applicants who hold a PhD degree in Turkey should have a GPA minimum of 3.50/4.00 in Ph.D. program.
DEADLINE: October 6 2017
To apply and for more information visit here.