Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) RLC Southern Africa Emerging Leaders Program 2018

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) was launched by President of the United States Barack Obama as a signature effort to invest in the next generation of African leaders. The need to invest in grooming strong, results-oriented leaders comes out of the statistics: nearly 1 in 3 Africans are between the ages of 10 and 24, and approximately 60% of Africa’s total population is below the age of 35.
Who will empower and lead these young Africans? Who will shape the future of business and entrepreneurship, civic leadership, and public management? In order to answer these questions, YALI promotes three models designed to identify and empower young leaders: the YALI Mandela Washington Fellowship, YALI Network, and now the establishment of Regional Leadership Centers across Africa.
No fee charged to be part of the program
Participants must meet the following criteria:
Age (18-35)
English language proficiency
Portuguese speaking participants will be accommodated in the Mozambique Hub at UEMA commitment to positively impact Africa, their own countries as well as communities
Demonstrated leadership capabilities and interest in Public Management, Entrepreneurship Development and Civic Leadership
Commitment to serve the development agenda of the African continent
DEADLINE: March 18 2018
To apply and for more information visit here