Youth village interviews Ten Flos.

Tenflos is an upcoming Hip hop group. We managed to track them down and held an exclusive interview with the young artists
Question 1
YV Tell us about Tenflos. Who are you guys.
TF Tenflos is a group of 2 young rappers Tender and Teezy Flo’s and we started doing music a few years ago in high school.
Question 2
YV You recently launched your E.p album. Tell us about it.
TF It is a 6 track album and it is titled Mixed feelings.
Question 3
YV How far have you gone in terms of marketing your music.
TF First of all, our music is available on almost all major platforms from you tube,Deezer,iTunes,sound cloud etc.We recently had an interview on ZBC TV which helped us interns of promoting our music mainly this new project Mixed feelings.
Question 4
YV What are some of the challenges that you are facing in the music industry.
TF Piracy is one of the major challenges we are facing as musicians here in Zimbabwe. We are not getting anything from our music, we are only getting money through live shows and we pray that the government will help us as musicians.
Question 5
YV Have you had any collaborations with other artists and are there any other future collabos on the cards.
TF We have had collaborations with artists such as Given,Patrick Emz, Mal kwang to mention a few. We are looking forward to collaborating with main stream artits such as Takura and Winky D. Yah I think those two for now.
Question 6
YV Where do you see yourselves in the next 5 years
TF In the next 5 years we see our selves as international artists doing shows in foreign countries and also working with international artists.
Question 7
YV Where do you get your inspiration from.
TF We get our inspiration from day to day events that happen in our lives.
Question 8
YV Tell us about your videos. How much do you invest in them.
TF So far we have 3 videos My gang, Inonzi Harare, Musango and we have another which is set to drop this week we have invested a lot in our videos, in this industry without videos you cant survive.
Question 9
YV Do you have other artists that you admire.
TF Yes we do have artists that we admire such as A reece, Shane Eagle, Takura, J Cole and many others.
Question 10
YV Any word of advice to upcoming artists like you.
TF All we can say is that music is all about sacrifices and dedication. If you have those two nothing wil stop you from going forward.
Thank you for the interview.