CEADZ Innovation Fund

The main thrust of the Civic Engagement for Accountability and Democracy in Zimbabwe (CEADZ) project is to support local organizations to work towards improved accountable, democratic governance that serves an engaged citizenry.
The desired impact of CEADZ, through this Annual Program Statement (APS), is to increase the influence of Zimbabwean citizens, acting collectively through formal and informal groups for more democratic and accountable governance. This may include, but not restricted to, responding to emerging gaps resulting from changes in the country context, finding new/innovative solutions to existing or emergent challenges, testing new knowledge and best practice, probing new and existing assumptions and hypotheses that underpin the operating environment.
Through this APS the Grantor intends to link prospective partners with opportunities under the CEADZ Innovation Fund which seeks to (1) stimulate locally-driven, creative Social Accountability, advocacy, and oversight approaches, especially those with potential to increase women’s and youth participation and leadership and (2) provide an opportunity for civic actors to program around fiscal transparency, economic policy reform and economic governance in ways that enhance meaningful citizen engagement around these issues. With support from the Grantor’s global Innovations Team, the platform will facilitate a participatory co-creation summit that uses design-thinking approaches to create an enabling environment for innovation. The summits will bring together diverse participants from civil society, academia, and the private sector to practically source innovative ideas for further development and testing and encourage unconventional partnerships and resource leveraging. After the summits, the Grantor will invite concept notes and co-creatively develop these with potential partners. Approaches that demonstrate the greatest potential for replication will be piloted for scaling up purposes.
Under the Fiscal Transparency theme, opportunities exist for CSOs, CBOS and FBOs to carryout interventions that seek to promote public resource management through transparency, accountability and strong citizen oversight. It is anticipated that this APS, will provide support to interventions that seek to strengthen public resource management through, but not restricted to, increased parliamentary and citizen oversight, advocacy around the enactment and enforcement of policy and legal framework(s) promoting and/or supporting fiscal reporting and accountability. It is envisioned that activities supported through this fund should support already existing statutory provisions on fiscal reporting, transparency and accountability so as to foster vertical and horizontal accountability processes and to ensure civic efforts mutually reinforce existing state mechanisms and processes. Interventions may also seek to provide economic policy reform analyses on targeted issues; enhance evidence-based policy formulation and implementation; strengthen civil society advocacy and engagement with policy makers; and provide platforms for public private interface and expand opportunities for citizens to influence the economic policy agenda. It is envisaged that one award will be made under this category.
Deadline: 22 November 2018 (5pm)
View the full APS and application instructions here.