DatingSport & Entertainment

Stunner Cautions Men To Stay Away From Basic Chicks

This world is full of surprises we tell you, especially in the entertainment industry, people are very experimental with their careers. One day you’re a dancer, the next you’re a rapper before you know it you’re Dr Love.


We love how Stunner always share tips on his social media platforms. This time around he took to Instagram to warn all the brothers out there against “basic chicks”.

“You approach garbage and you get garbage, it’s simple”, said the rapper turned relationship expert. We don’t know if it’s a personal experience that inspired the thought provocating post or he was just turning in for duties, as a Dr should.

So according to Stunner, gentlemen, always pay attention to a girl’s first word or line when you “make a move”, if she gives you one of the following answers, “chick is BASIC!”

Here they go!
1. “I don’t have a name”

2. “WHEN ASKED, ‘what’s your #?’ Answers 1”

3. “I don’t talk to strangers, (how do you meet new people?)”

4. “Looks at you down to top then makes a face”

5. “Ignores you without politely telling you she has a boyfriend or she’s not interested”

6. “Does that hand thing or that sound when you kiss your teeth”

There you go people, girls if you do any of these, now you know you’re basic and you gentlemen save yourselves from “garbage”.

Use it don’t use it it’s up to you, at least Stunner did his part.

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