5 Things You Should Never Post On Facebook

Facebook is a great way to keep in touch and stay connected to the world but you need to be careful about what you post even when you think your privacy settings are set correctly. The problem is you never know who is looking and what damage they might.
Check out our top five things you should never post on Facebook.
1. Your Relationship Status
Whether you are in a relationship or not, it may be best not to make it public knowledge. Stalkers would love to know that you just became newly single. If you change your status to “single” it gives them the green light they were looking for to resume stalking now that you’re back on the market.
2. Your Current Location
There are a lot of people who love the location tagging feature on Facebook that allows them to let people know where they are 24/7. The problem is that you have just told everyone that you’re on vacation and not at your house. If you add how long your trip is then thieves know exactly how much time they have to rob you.
3.Full Date of Birth
Post the month and day of your birth, but not the year. Since you provide your full name when you establish your profile, if you enter your full birthday you are making yourself the next identity theft victim! Also for some of you, do you really want people to know how old you really are.
4. Ask things you could easily just Google
This is a variation of the humble-brag with a bit of the cryptic status thrown in. Asking people about where you get your accessories for your Macbook is just another way of saying, “hey look at me I have a Macbook.
5. Request Candy Crush lives
We just got over our Candy Crush addiction, why are you trying to make us relapse?