Samsung Brings Back Galaxy Note 7

Mobile phone users have been raving and are in awe of the quality of the Samsung S8, and well it’s predecessor, the Galaxy Note 7 might be making a comeback. The Note 7 which was meant to have been disposed off due to it’s battery problems, is coming back as a refurbished device.

According to a South Korean website, The Korean Economic Daily, could actually go on sale in a few months. The batteries are being swapped since the previous batteries were causing fires.
The new Samsung Note 7 will be called Note 7 FE (Fandom Edition) will include a different battery and component set, for under 700,000 South Korean won ($616).
While many might not trust the Note 7, according to the Wallstreet Journal Samsung is making a small number and will not be made available overseas.
After the failure of the Note 7, the company will try to recover its losses. From what had been speculated about the Note series being revived it seems that the FE edition might be it.