The perfect Zimbabwean wife

Finding a good wife can be a difficult task. Even the bible states that he who finds a good wife finds a good thing. However the definition of “good” may vary from one person to another as preferences differ. Here are some of the top 5 qualities that local men have been known to look for in their marriage patners:
The proverbs 31 woman – This is a wife who is diligent and hard working. The description of that wife as alluded to in the bible is one who wakes up early, takes good care of the husband and ensures that her household is clean. Local men have been known to frown upon lazy and dirty women but instead appreciate wives who can work and take good care of their children, houses and most of all their husbands.
The beauty queens – Leave it to the church brothers to look for a proverbs 31 woman, some men simply want their wives to look beautiful. Any other qualities are secondary considerations. Just as the late Marshall Munhumumwe exhorted women not to neglect their beauty because of marriage as there was high risk that their husbands would leave them for someone younger and beautiful,these men prefer to have their wives in the best shape ever.
The tribe mother – A popular African proverb is that when you marry you marry for the family. There is a group of men who want their wives to be in harmony with their families and relatives. Assisting relatives in need and giving special treatment to their parents and siblings is a prerequisite. Whenever there are family gatherings and ceremonies, their wives must attend without fail.
The good cooks – It is often said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Some local men will give anything to get a wife who has skills in the kitchen. Of course what appeals to one’s pallete might not be enjoyed by another but the bottom line is that a wife who possesses culinary skills will be treasured.
The ambitious – Another section of men like to encourage their wives to pursue their dreams. It could be academic achievements, enterprenuership or other professional dreams. These men do not like their wives to sit on their gifts and fail to utilize their potential.