Roki Interview

How is Roki doing in 2015?
I am great man, gore rino kwakanaya haha.
How do you prepare for your shows?
It’s more mental preparation, I look inside myself and stretch to make my body flexible enough then yeah will be good to go.
How has being a father changed your perspective on art, life and immortality?
It gives you a different perspective on responsibilities, the responsibilities you take upon yourself and the responsibilities you are supposed to have.
How did being on Big Brother change your career ?
It made me a little more popular, it gave a more world holistic view of the African audience.
What have you learnt about pursuing your dreams?
The great ones fail many times, failure is the biggest form of practice for success . I just have to thank God that I am not the one to fail many times.
Explain the concept of the music? Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Muses in society, muses in relations, feelings you know, things like that.
If you had to collaborate with a female vocalist from Zim who would it be and why?
Most of the ones I have collaborated with are the ones I wanted to collaborate with, I am after all one of the better collaborative musicians in Zimbabwe.
Have you ever been inlove?
Yes many times.
Roki has such a cool dress sense, where do you draw your fashion inspiration from?
I dress less for being seen than for comfort. I am one of those people who believes true style should be relevant to the individual wearing it.
Who are your top 5 favourite local artistes?
Alick Macheso
Leonard Zhakata
Simon Chimbetu
Oliver Mtukudzi
What do you dislike about fame ?
I haven’t had a choice to dislike anything.
Any words of wisdom for the youth of Zimbabwe?
Don’t give up.
How can your fans reach you?