Top 10 Zimbabwean Musicians Of All Time: Part 2

7. Paul Matavire
Paul “Dr love” Matavire didn’t let his disability stand in the way of him being one of the country’s most celebrated artists. He rose to fame when he joined the Jairos Jiri Brass Band which he later led. Although he died as a farmer, we will always remember him as our very own Marvin Gaye.
Charles Charamba
Pastor Charles Charamba is one of the best selling artists of gospel music in Zimbabwe. He made it big in the early 2000s and has remained consistent with his career. He has toured around Europe and the United States and most of Southern African countries.
9. System Tazvida
System Tazvida is the man behind what you might now only know as a phrase but was a huge hit in the nineties called “anodyiwa haataure”. Before forming his own band System was part of the Kiama Boys and Sungura boys.
10. Stella Chiweshe
Mbuya Stella Chiweshe is one of the female legends in Zimbabwe music history, she learned to play mbira in times when women were not allowed to. She has toured around the world performing in Germant, Spain, the US and England.