5 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Crazy

Everybody has a little bit of crazy in them and crazy is normal if it’s the right amount. Being crazy with your partner can be fun but where do you draw the line? If her behavior starts to get out of control and it’s not fun anymore then your girlfriend might be crazy. Here are some common signs that will certify girlfriend as crazy.
1. Public confrontations – If your girlfriend is always causing a scene in public, you know that counts as crazy. There’s no need for someone to scream, cry or yell at you in public unless if she’s crazy of cause.
2. Lying – Sometimes people lie to protect the ones they love but there has to be a limit. If she is constantly lying even about simple things then you know someone’s getting over their heads and are probably going crazy.
3. Mood swings – Today she’s hot, tomorrow she’s cold. She loves you and next she hates you. If she can’t make up her mind then you know that’s some crazy behavior right there.
4. Control freak – If she’s trying to control everything in your life, even your friendships, your space that’s a sign. You should know it only gets worse.
5. Plays the victim card – If your girlfriend is always the victim card and always blaming other people or you for everything that goes wrong, leave the craziness or you can always learn the hard way.