What makes a good song?
I have always been infatuated by words and their power. It’s amazing how a few words can make or break something. I once read that some words are immortal, long buried or even burnt they are destined to be reborn like a phoenix rising from the ashes and when they do they literally take your breath away. It was inevitable that I would one day carry my obsession for words to one of the most important things in my life (music) hence my infatuation with lyrics.
Now I know we all like music for different reasons which vary from the beats to the singers themselves. When I was toddler my dad was and still is obsessed with Bob Marley, he would explain all his songs to me, though I did not understand anything it pretty well sounded deep. From then a good song to me is one with very good lyrics. It doesn’t have to be a sensible song but the lyrics just have to be on point .Those who know the “Beyonce” song by Kendrick Lamar will agree with me that it is a silly song but the lyrics are so on point and that makes it a good song.
They say a radio is the theater of the mind because unlike TV it does not have visual hence the artist has to paint a picture for his listeners and that can only be done through lyrics not the beat or the sound of the voice. This has led to the Da Vinci’s and Picasso of music (good artists) these are your J Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Beyonce, Tocky Vibes and Oliver Mutukudzi etc.
Lyrics are what separate artists from musicians. Lyrics are what cheer us up when sad, give us hope when the future seems bleak. They make us fall in love and in the process ruin songs by dedicating them to our loved ones because when we break up with them or them with us we can no longer bring ourselves to listen to those nice songs as they bring back unwanted memories. Music legends are exactly that because of their lyrics and their music lives on even long after they are gone because of their lyrics.
They say book lovers never go to bed alone, well guess what? so do music lovers all you need is an Ipod, phone, mp3 player (doesn’t matter the device), a good playlist with some nice lyrical songs and you will sleep like a baby!!!!!
Most Innocent Kid Ever.
Written By Michael Mwale
Harare Polytechnic
I am a 21 year young man who is currently studying Mass communication at Harare Polytechnic. I‘m very passionate about journalism and I love everything to do with the media.