How to work hard for success

It takes years of hard work to become a success, In order to get where you want to be one you need to work hard. We, as a society, tend to think that people just wake up one day and say “I am going to write an award winning book today” or “I think I will become a famous actor”. We watch interviews of successful people and put pictures of them on our wall and say, “Why can’t I be successful like them? Yet not acknowledging the challenges they had to overcome in order to reach that “overnight” success.
We don’t want to work for things anymore. We are not interested in staying the course, building character or perfecting our craft. We are just interested in money and a fan base. Even people, who do work hard and struggle for years end up being called an overnight success. Take a very successful award winner Zahara for an example; people have called her success overnight yet not knowing how she got to the top. People will always try to put you and your work down, to stroke their own ego’s.
It takes hard work to be good at anything. Usually long hours, tireless determination and a thick skin, in order to take an eye rolling from friends and family who don’t understand why you don’t give up and get a real job. Yes, there will always be the few exceptions to the rule, but we need to see them for what they are; exceptions.
Remember the old saying that anything worth having is worth waiting for? So let’s stop idolizing the expectation to the rule and start comparing ourselves to the people out there who put the time and effort into their craft and make something wonderful.
Multi-Tasking Your Way to Success
Multi-tasking and business will only take you so far in your career. Yes, it’s great to be a hard worker, and everyone loves a boss who is responsive. But fill up your day with lots of tasks then you will miss your real job. Time and time again, when the company says that someone in their organization is high potential but not “strategic”, that’s a danger sign. It means that person is in danger of getting stuck. You can’t “do” your way success. You need to take time on creating your vision goals and doing your activities.
5 Steps to Success
Make the decision to stop being average
This is one of the most important steps to success in life. You may know about setting goal but many people overlook the importance of this first step. You need to make the decision, once and for all, to stop letting yourself be just another average Jane. This is the time to decide if you are really serious about being successful in anything you do. It requires the ability to think and act outside the box and be willing to make the changes necessary to reaching your goals. So it is now time to pull away from the heard and start thinking for yourself.
Realize your dreams
If you can, close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath and try to relax. Try to push all the thoughts out of your mind. Now I want you to ask yourself a question and try to be honest with yourself when you answer. Ask yourself, “If I could change anything in my life what would it be?” This can be anything, where you live, what you do for a living, anything. After you’ve answered your question, paint a picture in your mind of what this changed situation would look like. Think of the details, the sights, smells. Now that you have this image in your mind, open your eyes and write down a couple of paragraphs that describe what you’ve envisioned. This is one of the many dreams you would like to see happening. But if you don’t clarify what you want it will be very hard to get it, let alone know whether or not you’ve already got it.
Set goals
We have all heard about the importance of setting goals. Well, it’s true, but how do you go about doing this. Let’s start by defining what a goal is. A goal, in this case, is a set guideline of when and how to complete a task. So if your goal is to reach your dream than you would decide what needs to happen and how quickly you can and want it to happen.
So get that pen and paper back out and make a list of all the things that need to be done to reach your dream.
Find Ways to Stay Motivated
What sets apart the average person from the successful one is the ability of that particular person to consistently put forth the effort to accomplishing their goals. That is where motivation comes in. You need to learn the skill of keeping that fire going inside you. Without this fuel of desire and a clear resolve you’ll be dead in the water in a week. Find what works to keeping you motivated and stick with it like reading motivational books or this article more often.
Enjoy the Process
The process should be rewarding on its own as you are seeking to get the most out of every day. Success in life is not about reaching a final destination but instead it’s the process of constantly upgrading your life to a better version. But if you are in the process of pursuing the life that you desire for yourself and your family than I hope that you find yourself satisfied right now as well as in the future.