5 Ways To Work Much Faster And Better

To be an efficient employee you need to able to work fast and produce quality. Most employees suffer from failing to be productive. At times one struggles with motivation or at times they are overwhelmed. Whatever the issue, getting focused takes lots of time and effort. So how can you double the speed at which you work and excel? Try these following tips in your daily work routine to get things done more easily and faster with less stress overall.
1.Use A Timer On Every Major Task
Make sure that you have a to-do list with your priorities at the top. Set a timer for each tasks and check off the list once the task is done.
2. Tackle Tasks You Despise First
Start with the worst tasks so that you are more productive with tasks that you enjoy.
3. Keep Meetings to a Minimum
Whatever meeting that you have to attend make sure that you keep it short and sweet. Discuss the key points and ask to email.
4. Break Up Your Day with Breaks
You should take a break every 25 minutes so that you can remain focused and be energised. You focus your attention and energy on one task for 25 minutes. At the end of that time, give yourself a five-minute break. This quick break allows you to take your mind off the task at hand, and enjoy distractions.
5. Work At Home For An Hour Each Day
By working from home before or after work you are able to cut out work that would probably overwhelm you during work.