Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth: African Union Commission 2016 Africa Youth Day

Opportunity For Zimbabwean Youth: African Union Commission 2016 Africa Youth Day
This year, the continent of Africa will be commemorating the Africa Youth Day on the 1st of November 2016 under the theme: “Promoting youth mainstreaming as a catalyst towards harnessing the demographic dividend.” Download the Concept Note and Call for submissions below, send us your work and you could be selected to join us in Addis Ababa for the 28th AU Summit in January 2017!
Concept Note → Concept Note_EN
Call for Submissions → Call for Submissions_EN
Ms. Diana Diallo | Department of Human Resources Science and Technology | African Union Commission | Email: [email protected]
Mr. Christian Fleming| Department of Human Resources Science and Technology | African Union Commission | Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @africa.youth
Twitter: @AUYouthProgram
Website: www.africa-youth.org