ED commends young farmers for their efforts.

The National Young farmers awards ceremony was held yesterday at the Botanical gardens in Harare. President Emmerson Mnangagwa presided over the ceremony and commended young people for their input in the agricultural sector.
John Muchenje of Mvuma walked away with the first prize after being awarded the young farmer of the year award. He harvested 40 hactares of maize, 40 hactares wheat and 20 hactares tobbacco. Fungai Making of Rusape and Susan Musa of Goromonzi also walked away with prizes. These included motorbikes, farming inputs and money. The president said that youth were instrumental in improving food security in Zimbabwe.
He however noted that they do need support and called on the ministry of agriculture to facilitate inputs for the young farmers. He stated,”I call for greater accomodation of the young farmers into programmes such as the Command Agriculture program and the presidential inputs scheme”.
Young people in Zimbabwe have been encouraged to venture into farming as it is a vibrant industry. Furthermore there is abundance of land in the country. Some have however bemoaned the fact that most beneficiariee of the land reform program were members of the older generation and young people were neglected during allocation of land. Zimbabwe used to be the bread basket of Africa with a booking and thriving Agricultural industry. Zim youths can emulate past practices to revamp the agricultural sector. Whilst most young people may shy away at the fact of being involved in farming, it is imperative that they consider doing such activities as they contribute to food security as well as bring economic revival