Interview session with Nicola Ndoro Nikki

We sat down with award-winning radio sensation, celebrity Journalist Nicola Ndoro aka Nikki as she shared with us her journey in Zimbabwe Media.
If you don’t make a plan in the Zimbabwe media and entertainment industry you will die a beggar.
There’s so much that needs to be done.
You have to remember that someone has to initiate that change in this industry.
Q. How did your journey to radio begin?
A. I went to
My church office. I saw an advert in the newspaper and I asked my little girl, “Do you think I can do this?” She was two years old at the time and then she started nodding. I wasn’t actually sure if she was saying I should go or not but I went anyway. The auditions were at Alex park about 2000 people came. Star FM was only looking for 10 people and after that here I am today!
Q. You brought your baby to the interview how was that?
A. Yes, I did.
I did! I was actually about to give up while I was there. At some point I looked around at all the people and said to myself there’s no way I can do that but something just said just stay, you know? Must have been GOD. I remember some people saying to me who did you know and I was like no one hey. I only knew GOD.
Nicola Ndoro
Q. So before radio what was the plan?

A. The plan was
Administration, I had never thought I could do something like this hey. I was a housewife at the time and I had my daughter so I sort of felt conflicted. But I love being a mom, its reshaped me as a person. Helped me become more responsible and more thoughtful of my decisions and its given me more motivation as a person.
Nicola Ndoro
Q. What have been some of your career highs and career lows?
A. Oh in terms of my career
Let me start with the lows. When you make a mistake on the radio it has been so ruthless. I remember a time when I was on the radio and had to deal with a guest who accidental swore. You learn to quickly cover it but the backlash can be terrible. Also, sometimes you are having a bad day and you are going through your stuff but you also have the responsibility and you have to soldier on.
Nicola Ndoro
For career highs
I think of winning the NAMA award for best radio journalist and opening HIFA 2015. Opening HIFA oh my goodness there is so much preparation involved there. I opened it with my daughter. For 2015 they did it differently hey, they didn’t have an emcee so somehow, I had to introduce and welcome people while also acting and narrating in the show. I was like Mother Earth and how I had to bring people together to celebrate a space in which we could engage and express ourselves. It was so enjoyable doing my lines with my daughter. There was a part I had to get the whole crowd to stand up and it was make or break and then they all stood up I was so relieved!
Nicola Ndoro

Then my NAMA award, there is something strange that always happens. When something bad happens to me something great happens after. So, I went to visit my late mums grave. It was the rainy season and whilst I was there, I slipped and my wig fell into blackjacks. I was gutted my hairpiece was ruined but anyway I decided to go in spite of that. I got my hair done elsewhere I had this gown and I said I will rock this gown no matter what. So, then I get to the show and they were showing winners for each category on screen as they announced it. Then there was a glitch where they showed my picture before they announced the winner and I saw the face and I was like that’s me. I remember my acceptance speech, we have such a supportive system at star FM the guys recorded it. Thank goodness I remember the feeling a NAMA award for best Radio Journalist. A national award from starting in the newspaper to getting all the way here it was such an amazing moment for me. Its something I can show my future grandchildren one day so they can respect me you know?
Q How did you manage to build such powerful principles?

A. Oh yeah
When I first started here I had never been on the radio, I remember DJ Munya and Tich Mataz would open the radio station and then straight after it was me. I was like wow these big names! So that motivated me to wake up really early and practise. I would come in and learn my lines, I learnt that you always have to put in the work do the research and get so behind your work. In radio in the world, there are bigger and more knowledgeable minds out there, the worst thing you can do is say something inaccurate where there is lack of preparation someone can easily tell. You can only fill your purpose based on some level of organisation. I remember coming in early and leaving late. Until now you learn something every day. There’s no one who can say I have done this for years so I know what I am doing. You have to stay grounded in this industry.
Q And your blog how is that going?
A. Oh my goodness so
I stopped as I started to publish people were asking is this who I am? Is this what I am saying? So I had to take down my content to re-approach it in a more inspirational manner. You would be surprised our society is not as liberal as people think it is. So social media can be ruthless you have to be very careful how you are perceived and how you are received. To add on how this can affect your future generations and your family, remember we were talking about my future grandkids, how I then make their future because of what I was saying. I had a lot of personal stories to share on my blog that was very close to my heart and as it went along I decided I needed to find a way to inspire and share my message at the same time.
Q. What can we do to make this industry grow
A. We need
More respect for the arts media and entertainment in the industry both monetary wise and general respect. There are so many inspirational leaders in our arts and media industry who have built our country’s arts and media sector. It’s such a shame when we compare our industry with Nollywood or South Africa and the level of disrespect that our people have for the arts sector. People in our country have a tendency to pay you a small percentage of what they have made and they guilt you as if they are doing you a favour. Plus, the amount we have to work to compete with other media personalities across the world. I remember hearing how much industry leaders in countries across the world are paid.