5 Ways To Get Dumped By Your Girlfriend

So, if you’ve been meaning to get out of a toxic relationship and you don’t exactly know how to do it we got you covered. Here are annoying behaviors women hate that will have your girl kicking you out, to your delight of cause.
1. Hang out with her girlfriends
Nothing pisses off a girl than when you try befriending their friends. Get close to her attractive female friends, text them, call them even flirt with them or make movie plans with them without her. This will work in no time.
2. Pick stupid fights
This is normally natural when a relationship is is reaching its tipping point. Always remember nothing is too petty or silly for you to get you going with your “break-up fight”.
3. Start the talk
If you can’t just seem to offend them enough for them to leave you, bring up the talk. You know the magic words right? “Where is this relationship going?”, she might just get nervous and try to preempt a breakup with you.
4. Say the “F” word
No the one you’re thinking, we don’t have dirty minds. The ‘F’ is for fat. Nothing will end a relationship faster than calling a woman fat. It’s always sensitive topic with women and it will work in your favor.
5. Become the nice guy
Women might say they want a nice guy, but they don’t really want a nice guy. Take full advantage of it and become the nicest boyfriend, be clingy, jealous and thew ultimate coward at every opportunity. Ask her if she’s fine and tell her how much you love her as often and before you know it she’ll be wishing you were a real man.