Group dies after consuming homemade beer

A group of 6 nationals including Zimbabweans died from from imbibing homemade alcoholic. Some of them were severely affected.
“He was supposed to go to work that day. At first I thought he was just hungover, but when I saw that he was getting worse I called the landlord. By that time he was not speaking, he couldn’t see, and didn’t know what was happening,” said Rungana.“We now have nothing, no food, no money to pay rent, and my child back home in Zimbabwe wants to go back to school. How will I pay for it now? I can’t work because I am heavily pregnant … My husband took care of all of us. Even family back home depended on him,” said Rungana. Kuseni’s brother, Richard Chinembiri, said: “I was drinking with my brother on Saturday and Sunday. And on Monday morning I was to wake up early and go to the market. But I had a severe headache and I thought I was still hungover.” He had not at first thought that the problem was related to the alcohol.“I went with them to the hospital and we had him [Kuseni] admitted and I came back home, but things started getting worse — the headache was worse and I couldn’t walk properly. I was admitted into hospital the same night my brother died,” he said.
He was discharged days later, but he still feels weak. “My eyesight is not good. I can only see things that are close by and I have constant joint pains and headaches. I could have died,” said Chinembiri.“I want my eyes to get better because without them I can’t work. With my brother gone, I need to be able to support the family and can’t do that if my eyes are still like this,” he said.David Eliya, from Malawi, said he had also been drinking the substance on Saturday. He didn’t feel well on Monday and didn’t know what was wrong. He then heard that two of his drinking pals had been admitted to hospital.“I then also went to False Bay Hospital where I was admitted, then transferred to Groote Schuur. The doctor told me that I was lucky,” he said.“I left my friend in Groote Schuur Hospital. His eyes are not working; he can’t see. I am sad because that could have also been me. What would have happened to my partner and my child because they depend on me?” said Eliya.
Police spokesperson Col Andrè Traut said the circumstances surrounding the deaths are under investigation after they allegedly consumed homemade beer in Masiphumelele.“Death inquest case dockets have been registered and the exact cause of their death is yet to be determined,” said Traut.