Tatelicious consoles Lasizwe over twitter bakclash

South African socialite Lasizwe had a torrid time early this week when an innocent tweet turned against him. The famous socialite had expressed support for the #Zimbabwean lives matter movement that is currently trending worldwide. He received major backlash with some local people saying they did not need the support of gay people.
So bad was the backlash that queen Tatelicious, a member of the LGBT community herself had to step in and console Lasizwe. She asked for forgiveness on behalf of Zimbabweans and said gay rights ought to be respected in the country.
Tatelicious is a transgender woman who has been at the forefront of advocating for gay rights. She reprimanded local people for being homophobic. Tatelicious gave a sound tongue lashing to those that had spoken badly about Lasizwe.
According to the Zimbabwean constitution, gay rights are not recognised in Zimbabwe. This is also common in other countries such as Ghana. The twitter attack however might have been a bit unfair on someone who was simply trying to show support. Tatelicious said people should not judge each other based on sexual orientation