10 Ways To Make The Most Of A Long Weekend
Today is a public holiday and also happened to fall on a Friday which makes the weekend a little bit longer. Sadly for most people the three day weekend will pass them by without them noticing and before you know it it’s Monday and you still feel like you need a weekend.
With great planning you can enjoy all the action at HIFA 2015 if it’s your thing and still get a well rested weekend that will prepare you for the new week. Here are some tips to make the most of your long weekend.
1. Make a conscious choice
Instead of falling into your same old weekend routine or just be lazy which can take away time without you noticing, make a conscious decision of how you’re going to spend your time. Not deciding what you want to do for the day will have you end up doing things that are less fulfilling than you’d have wanted.
2. Make appointments for yourself
Schedule your activities for the day, even something as catching up on your favorite series, or reading a book. Put time aside for everything you want to do, if you don’t schedule then you’re trying to squeeze in everything when it’s already afternoon and end up having a lot undone.
3. Set aside few hours for downtime
Always find time for yourself, where you can do nothing, time to relax and just be. Switch off your phone and enjoy your own company.
4. Make the most of your weekend mornings
Weekend mornings are the best to do all the annoying stuff that you don’t want to do but have to do. Don’t waste them lying around, you’ll feel better and rested the rest of the day knowing you’re done with the important stuff.
5. Keep your chores and errands minimum
It makes sense to feel the need to do thorough cleaning or fix that garage door you’ve been avoiding during the weekend. Do what you can and what you need to and everything else that can be done during the week leave it. The worst thing is to feel exhausted on a Monday after a three day weekend.
6. Meet up with friends
Time spent with good friends is guaranteed to be time well spent. Even if you don’t have anything planned, once you get together you’ll come up with a plan. Sometimes a good laugh with great friends is all you need.
7. Don’t drink too much
If you drink alcohol, don’t drink to a point that you won’t remember anything and you’re still hungover on a Monday morning.
8. Do something new
A great way to spend a weekend is to try something new, that one hobby you’ve always wanted to try, it’s the best time to make memories and enjoy something new instead of the same old thing you always do.
9. Spend time with family
Weekdays whether you’re a student or you go to work, you barely have a full conversation with your family and catch up. Spend some quality time with the people you love and value the most.
10. Make plans for Sunday night
The worst thing you can do on a Sunday night is stay at home and think about how the weekend is over and tomorrow is Monday and all the work that is waiting for you. Make plans to go out and enjoy yourself and feel refreshed and ready to tackle any challenge in the new week.